Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pretty good day - with an addendum

I managed to stay up past midnight to start a billion torrent downloads, and then fell asleep writing a script to make the torrent app close at 4:50 AM. Oops!  So when I woke up at 9AM, I was a bit worried I may have massively reduced the amount of internet I'll have this month. Oh well.  That act also came with a side bonus of leaving the lights on and Howard Stern blaring, so I looked like hell and felt not terribly rested this morning. Oops again.

Tomorrow the temperature drops, so I got up today with the intention of insulating the pump house. Two cousins in this town helped me in this endeavor, though the parameters of it changed mid-stream.  Instead of insulating the pump house, we just insulated the pipes inside. Mom's dog got into the pump house while we were gone back to the store to return most of the insulation I bought and pick up a few supplies. A moderate amount of the work was chewed on or undone. I wonder if she's got an itchy tongue now.

I wasn't interacting with mom much today. My aunt sat with her all day while we worked on that project, and then she had a number of visitors in the afternoon and evening. She didn't manage to drive me nuts tonight until I went in to sit with her to watch The Office. Of course, it didn't come on, since Mountain time is so fucked up. It was probably on earlier, but who knows. I guess I'll watch it online after midnight sometime. I had forgotten why you don't ever let a woman have the remote control. When The Office didn't come on, she surfed around a bit. It was excruciating. I decided to observe a woman using the remote as she would in the wild, without input from me. As a consequence, we watched ten minutes of Desportes Caliente. Neither of us speak Spanish well enough to really follow it, nor do we give a shit about soccer. But it was internally amusing. Then I got my first taste of Downton Abbey.  It's really hard to watch when your mother insists on talking over it to tell you shit she's already told you a hundred times. She would totally get kicked out of The Alamo Drafthouse, because I remember her talking through every movie I've ever seen with her. It used to bother me so much, but you can't get her to shut up.  I tried everything, including telling her the ending of the movie when she asks, "Do they make it out okay?" She continued to ask me questions after that. She'll even ask that sort of stuff if she knows I haven't seen the movie. I can't figure it out.

So the primary aggravation today came not from  my mother, but from the itching from the insulation. I think that's called a pretty good day.

EDIT: Woops! Spoke too soon. My mom's favorite hobby of trying to convince everyone she's a badass sometimes has the opposite effect. I know for a fact that she'll walk up to anyone and tell them off. I found this horribly embarrassing when I was young, because about half the time it's for some slight that didn't actually happen and that she just perceived wrong just to make something fit in the narrative she's running over her life. Tonight she told me another story that undermines her bad-assedness fairly severely. I have to be vague on a few things in this story for practical reasons, but let's just say she was dating someone who was a creep. The story went like this:

I was dating this guy, he was a real creep and the dogs hated him. Then one day he did something super horrible, the kind of thing that should get someone sent to jail. Well I wasn't going to settle for that, so I told him he better stay the hell away and if I ever caught him doing that again, I'd kill him myself. So the next time we went out, he said, "You'll have to get rid of those dogs if we get married," and I said, "I get rid of husbands before I get rid of dogs."

So these two stories of her own badassery, while individually, if true, don't necessarily speak well for her taste in men, but aren't so bad. But, the fact that she was still talking marriage with a guy who had done the awful thing quite undermines both stories in such a way as to make me believe she's less of a badass than when she started talking. Is it just me?


  1. Why language are you using to write scripts?

  2. I think I'm an anomaly…but I have to have the remote….just watching someone navigate the guide in an inefficient manner drives me insane….and channel surfing. oh no.
