So, I found a part of a will my mother scratched out in a notebook. It's yet another thing that shows that she was a complete jackass. It's basically a long list of "This should be split between both of my sons" except that everywhere she wants this, she splits it 60/40, only the 40 is going to me. Considering that my brother has a decent job and I dropped my whole life to take care of her, this is pretty galling. But I didn't really expect anything else from her. I guess she did get to torture my brother a lot longer than me, though she actually did help him through college. When I went to college, all she did was inform me that she had actually spent all the money I'd given her to save for me, and to let me know that she wouldn't be helping at all.
I've packed up everything, and she had a lot of interesting geology stuff, but I'm giving almost all of it to my brother. The really cool stuff is mine. It was mostly given to me by my dad or other people, and not her. Of course, when I left the house (on a plane, so I couldn't take much) she gave everything I left behind to my brother, and so when I came back to get my childhood things, I learned that I no longer had any. I'm keeping everything that was given to me, and giving him everything else. That way he'll not have much room to complain. Not that he should anyway, since he's put no effort into this whole packing up thing
The funny thing about all of that is that she whined incessantly about how unfair her mother treated her. She apparently got the short end of the stick and was the least-liked one of five children despite being the one who was doing most of the work. Congratulations, mom. You lived your whole life insane and without a scrap of self reflection that might enable you to avoid becoming your mother.
This is one of the many reasons there is a picture of my dad on my phone.
I've packed up everything, and she had a lot of interesting geology stuff, but I'm giving almost all of it to my brother. The really cool stuff is mine. It was mostly given to me by my dad or other people, and not her. Of course, when I left the house (on a plane, so I couldn't take much) she gave everything I left behind to my brother, and so when I came back to get my childhood things, I learned that I no longer had any. I'm keeping everything that was given to me, and giving him everything else. That way he'll not have much room to complain. Not that he should anyway, since he's put no effort into this whole packing up thing
The funny thing about all of that is that she whined incessantly about how unfair her mother treated her. She apparently got the short end of the stick and was the least-liked one of five children despite being the one who was doing most of the work. Congratulations, mom. You lived your whole life insane and without a scrap of self reflection that might enable you to avoid becoming your mother.
This is one of the many reasons there is a picture of my dad on my phone.